Dr. John David Carnes Humanitarian Service Award
Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters
Over the past century, OLVM Sisters have served in solidarity with God’s people, especially those marginalized by society. Founded in 1922 by Father John Joseph Sigstein, the Sisters have called Huntington home since the building of their Victory Noll motherhouse in 1924.
The Victory Noll Sisters, as they are also known, have as their mission to proclaim the Word of God, foster justice, stand in solidarity with those living in poverty and oppression, and promote the development of leaders.
As missionary Sisters, they have been missioned to places where the poorest people have been ignored or left behind by society. They went into rural areas of Appalachia, into the inner cities, and especially into the Southwest United States to serve a growing immigrant population. They continued to provide religious education, but also advocated for human rights, social justice and empowerment for minority groups and for women. Victory Noll Sisters developed leadership initiatives and spoke out on the need to care for the Earth.
They have been missioned in 37 states and in Bolivia, delivering the Good News of Jesus Christ, providing social services, and advocating for justice and peace.
OLVM also has a past connection with Dr. Carnes, who served as personal physician for many of the Sisters over the years.